It’s Thursday but feels like a Monday…

I’m tired. Yes, I’m always tired from all the hustle and bustle and do this and do that and blah blah, but today I could close my eyes and sleep until tomorrow. This is normally how my Monday goes. Can you relate? If you’re a mom, then yes you can! I’ll answer for you. Hehe Obviously that’s not gonna happen, so I decided to use some time today to come up with ways to energize myself when I’m feeling like a zombie.

  1. Eat a balanced breakfast, because we all know that’s the most important meal of the day. My husband is always telling me to eat a big breakfast and how it’s soooooo important. I’d be rich if I had a dollar for every time he’s told me that. But, uhm, wait… I had a banana. So, not quite balanced. Ooooops!
  2. Get moving! Hey, I did move from the bed to the couch this morning when my little guy woke up. Does that count? I’m thinking not. A walk could be in order soon.
  3. Have some caffeine. Probably not the healthiest option, but hey some people need their coffee. That person is not me! Never drank a cup in my life. Maybe a diet coke later???
  4. Take a nap! So, this would be my most favorite option. But, unfortunately I have a 3-year old who won’t have that.

In conclusion, I’ll be tired today, but at least I was able to share this post with you. And you did get some good tips on re-energizing yourself. Yay!

What my kids really think of me…

So, here it goes. My first post. Eeeek how exciting.

Okay. So, I’m browsing Facebook as I normally do, as I’m sitting in my nice comfy recliner, half watching an episode of Nurse Jackie (guilty pleasure) and come across this oh so cute post by an old friend of mine. She posted 14 questions that she had asked her little girls. Aww their answers were so cute and sweet. So I thought sure lets get my two oldest, 12 & 10 and get my cute and sweet answers to share with all that is Facebook. Well, I shared but their answers weren’t cute and sweet. They were typical answers of kids who really didn’t want to take the time and express their love of everything mommy. Rude! I know, but what do ya do?!?!? So here it is… (E=Emma, N=Noah).
1. What is something I always say to you? N- “Noah, I don’t have any money!” (I’m cheap)

E-get good grades “are there right or wrong answers to this?”, “Wait, am I getting in trouble?” 😂😂😂😂 you can see how this usually plays out.
2. What makes me happy?
N- Liam??? 😂😂😂

E- when we’re not at home
3. What makes me sad?
N- when Emma steals your phone

E- when we are mean to you
4. How do I make you laugh?
N- idk

E- by thinking you’re funny
5. What was I like as a child?


E- ugly Lolololololololol
6. How old am I?


E- 34
7. How tall am I?

N-4″ 🤔

E- taller than me
8. What is my favorite thing to do?

N-watch tv

E- be by yourself and watch dumb dr shows
9. What do I do when you’re not around?

N- watch Liam

E- pshhh clean
10. What am I really good at?

N- sitting down and watching tv (he’s gonna get it 👊🏻)

E- not driving, probably cleaning
11. What am I not very good at?

N- everything

E- driving
12. What do I do for a job?
N-work on the phone

13. What is my favorite food?

N- pizza

E- Mexican
14. What do you enjoy doing with me?

N- we don’t do many things (worst mom ever!)

E- we don’t do nothing together
As you can see my kids are jerks! Haha, nah just typical tweens.

Now it’s your turn. Would love to read what your kids might say!